“The righteous shall flourish…
like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12)


The righteous shall flourish…

like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12)


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Ihunyushwe nguSandile Mbotho   “Kepha ukuthethelela kukuwe, ukuze wesatshwe” (AmaHubo 130:4)   Isahluko 16 ivangeli ngokuka Luka sithola indaba emangazayo, ngandlela zonke zemicabango nethusayo iminyakanyaka. Iyona ngxenye ye bhayibheli echaza ngokweqiniso ngomuntu ongasindisiwe emuva kokufa. UJesu usitshela ngendoda eyaphila impilo yobugwili kodwa ingenakuzikhathaza ngo Nkulunkulu, kanye nendoda eyaphila ekuhluphekeni kodwa yathola impilo engenakuphela no Nkulunkulu. …

Esihogweni Read More »

In Hell

“But there is forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared” (Psalm 130:4)   In the 16th chapter of Luke’s gospel we find a most amazing account, one stirring all manner of thoughts and concerns and evasions through the centuries.  It’s the only Bible portion describing the actual experience of an unsaved soul after death. …

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Behold Israel

How many there are upon this old earth who despise the nation of Israel and would rejoice to see her fall.  Perhaps you’re one of them?  Yet how very, very interesting the development of things in that troubled land of Palestine.  It may be that some despise Israel’s existence, but none can deny the stubborn, …

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Crime Fret

The son of a friend was shot this week.  He was closing up shop when four men walked up, shot him in the face, and drove off in his car.  He was fortunate to live, the bullet only just missing his brain.  As I was driving to the hospital to be with them I was …

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Indoda Nowesifazane Ngokuhlonipha

Ihunyushwe nguThobile Nguse   “Balekela ubufebe” Imicabango Ngokuziphatha Okumsulwa   Sihlala ezinsukwini lapho abathandanayo bengayiboni inkinga ngokuhlala ndawonye ngaphambi kokuba bashade, uma bekucabanga nokukucabanga ukushada. Kumanje sitshelwa ukuthi kumele siyamukele indaba yobutabane njengengxenye nje yempilo. Lokhu kwamukelekile ngokwempilo ophilwayo manje. Ububi bezindlela zethu kulesikhathi bukhala njengegazi lika Abela olungileyo, lithi uNkulunkulu akasilungise. Lencwadi encane isibizela …

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Kanye Nami ePharadesi

Ihunyushwe nguThobile Nguse   UJesu wafa nabaphangi, amadoda amabili ayegwetshiwe ebethelwe Kanye naye, ezinhlangothini. Isithombe esivela kulabaphangi ababili abafa noJesu izindlela zabantu bonke. Njengoba ibhayibheli liveza, “Bonke bonile, basilalelwe inkazimulo kaNkulunkulu” (KwabaseRoma 3:23) wonke umuntu kithina uyisoni phambi kuka Nkulunkulu, njengoba kwakunjalo kulezoni. Nathi sibanjiwe siyafa njengoba babefa, bengenandawo Phakathi kwezulu nomhlaba, bengafunwa emhlabeni phansi …

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