“The righteous shall flourish…
like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12)


The righteous shall flourish…

like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12)

Reading Companion to the Book of Daniel

God’s revelation through Daniel outlines His purpose through the ages, and given well in advance so “the living may know that the Most High rules”. In fact Daniel provides the key to all biblical prophecy. It does not take a theology degree to recognize the great emphasis on future things in the Bible, nor is such a degree required to properly understand it. Yet clearly the study of God’s prophecy does require a great deal of caution if we would build our view straight and true. It is to this end that this Reading Companion to the Book of Daniel is given, in laying the foundation for our understanding of things to come.

This Reading Companion was developed in a Bible college context, yet it presents practical truths that have proven helpful over the years to scores of sincere seekers of truth. The material has been left in the original class by class segments in order to facilitate further use in a classroom, Bible study, or Sunday school setting.

May the Lord of glory guide your heart as you explore the wonders of His Word. Priceless are the treasures to be found there. May He build your faith as you see His plan for the ages unfolding, just as He has long before spoken.

“Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of My mouth” (Proverbs 4:5)