“The righteous shall flourish…
like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12)


The righteous shall flourish…

like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12)

Umngani Wokufunda Incwadi Ka-Ruthe

Years ago I heard a study taught through the book of Ruth.  It seemed like that study was little more than just telling the story, without finding much application for our lives.  So I began to look for reasons why God included this little account in His Bible.  This Reading Companion is some of the results of that happy search.

Among the most crucial things in life are the decisions we make.  Our thoughts and choices today will surely have an impact on our actions tomorrow.  The things we decide to do at every point will chart the course of our lives.  Decisions and their results are a key aspect of this blessed little book of Ruth.  It’s one aspect that makes this book such a vital study.  Though it is an ancient writing, yet we find here instruction that could not be more relevant to modern life, virtues and vices still with us today.  In a day when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes”, how we need the shining examples of those who made the hard choices to do right before the Lord.  This is what we see in Ruth and Boaz, the main characters in the little Bible book of Ruth.  But more, we discover the delightful results of those crucial choices, as well as the disastrous results of wrong choices.  Decisions and results are what God puts before us in the book of Ruth.  Will you hear it?

This Reading Companion was developed in a Bible study context, presenting practical truths that have proven useful over the years to scores of seeking souls.  In fact, of all of our Reading Companions, this study has stirred the most positive feedback.  Related verses of the Bible head the pages on which they are explained, that God’s words, not man’s, might remain our focus.

Oh may the Lord use my humble efforts toward your gain and growth.  Such pleasure is mine in hearing of one helped.  May you find promise and warning here to guide your will and way.